
           Many investors tend to keep a fairly short term perspective regarding their equity portfolio despite the fact that this asset class is typically held in a portfolio to provide long term growth. Moreover, it is becoming increasingly easy to track one’s portfolio on a daily basis via a smart phone, … Continued

When the News is Either All Good or All Bad

Recent market volatility, with daily multi-hundred point moves for the Dow Jones Industrial Averages, may be attributable to investors focusing, less on what the news actually means, but rather, interpreting every news item, on a given day, as either all good or all bad. Obviously, the outlook for individual companies or the general economy, does … Continued

“Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself”

This is a quotation from FDR’s first inaugural address when the country was in the middle of a severe depression.  Obviously, we are not currently seeing any serious economic stress.  But rather, we are looking at a very strong economy and a strong stock market, generally just a few, single digit percentage points from all-time … Continued

“How American Fracking Changes the World”

This is the title of a recent Wall Street Journal article written by Walter Russell Mead.  It is not practical to attempt to summarize Mr. Mead’s comments, but the underlying theme of his position is, “low energy prices enhance U.S. power at the expense of Moscow and Tehran”. We have previously looked at the potential … Continued

Bitcoin is Imploding? What’s Next?

With bitcoin down 80% from the peak, and similar declines for other cryptocurrencies, what’s likely to happen next? We have previously commented on the cryptocurrency phenomenon, see Coin of the Realm, posted 16 Feb 2018 and Tulips and Bitcoins posted 16 Aug 2017. We have been somewhat less than enthusiastic regarding the investment merit of … Continued

The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff is the title of a 1979 book by Tom Wolfe about the pilots engaged in U.S. postwar research with experimental rocket-powered high-speed aircraft as well as documenting the stories of the first Project Mercury astronauts. The Right Stuff can also refer to necessary or ideal qualities and capabilities, such as courage, confidence, … Continued

Is Your Estate Plan Complete?

Aretha Franklin’s wasn’t.  Prince’s wasn’t.  Pablo Picasso’s wasn’t. When you die and have not listed beneficiaries for your assets or titled your assets in the name of a trust, the courts in your state determine where your assets go. Many people don’t realize that a will does not avoid probate.  A will simply informs the … Continued


According to Wikipedia, logistics is generally defined as the detailed organization and implementation of a complex operation.  For business, logistics is a general term for the management of the flow of things between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requirements of customers. Manufacturers and providers of goods … Continued

Consumer Confidence Hits 18-Year High

The U.S. consumer confidence index rose in October to an 18-year high, amid optimism about jobs and the economy, according to the New York-based Conference Board. It is also probable that improving consumer confidence may be, at least in part, attributable to broad gains in wages.  Specific wage gain calculations are complex and single data … Continued


No, this is not about diversifying your portfolio.  Hopefully, you and your advisor(s) have already developed a strategy that suits your circumstances. This is a suggestion that you consider diversifying your sources of information.  A sound investment strategy probably incorporates a measure of belief in the future based on an informed understanding of relevant facts. … Continued

Understanding Short-Term Market Volatility

Recent market volatility has given rise to all kinds of commentary, by assorted market prognosticators who, encouraged by the media, attempt to attribute some degree of significance to very short-term market swings.  Investors would be well advised to retain a focus on longer term objectives.  Perhaps the most useful explanation for very short-term market swings, … Continued

How Much is a Barrel of Oil?

That depends on where the oil is.  Currently, Brent crude is trading at approximately $80/bbl.  U.S. benchmark crude futures, priced at Cushing, OK, are trading about $10/bbl. below Brent, and cash prices in the prolific Permian Basin are even lower.  However, the “prize?” goes to Canada, where Western Canada Select crude cash prices are currently … Continued