Consumer Confidence Hits 18-Year High

The U.S. consumer confidence index rose in October to an 18-year high, amid optimism about jobs and the economy, according to the New York-based Conference Board. It is also probable that improving consumer confidence may be, at least in part, attributable to broad gains in wages.  Specific wage gain calculations are complex and single data … Continued

Why is Pay Lagging?

With the unemployment rate at approximately 4%, the lowest since 2000, economists have been surprised by the slow growth in paychecks.  Historically, when that few people are unemployed, companies have had to pay up to attract workers. Clearly, anecdotal evidence and government reports suggest that the U.S. is in a tight job market, yet pay … Continued

A Goldilocks Economy

According to Wikipedia, a Goldilocks economy is one that is not too hot or too cold, in other words, sustains moderate economic growth, and has low inflation, which allows market-friendly monetary policy. Where are we now? Economic growth, during the last several years, as the economy recovered from the severe decline during the “great recession”, … Continued