Political Facts

Doesn’t it seem as though nearly everything has become more politicized and that people are less willing to agree to disagree? Even a casual reading of both The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, on the same day, could make one wonder if they both live on the same planet. All of this … Continued

Politics and Investing

Recently, I had four client meetings on the same day.  While four client meetings on the same day isn’t unusual, what was unusual was the main topic of all of the meetings.  The first two clients were incredibly anxious about Joe Biden winning the Presidency and their stock portfolio crashing.  The third and fourth meetings, … Continued

Entertainment, Politics and Ratings

It is becoming increasingly apparent that major TV entertainment events, such as NFL games and major award shows, are suffering from declining ratings.  Most recently, viewership for the Grammy Awards were down approximately 24%, setting a nine year low. This is a significant development for broadcasters, advertisers and investors. According to a recent article in … Continued