You’re Only as Good as Your Team

Virtually all human endeavors involve team work to some extent.  In sports, the application to team sports is obvious.  Even in sports where the individual appears to be crucial, a team is still a major factor.  For example, NASCAR drivers, no matter how talented, depend on the mechanics who set up their cars and the … Continued

Financial Advisors

Investopedia, a privately owned for-profit American website that focuses much of its content on investing education and financial news, recently conducted a survey that concluded that investors using digital advisors are nearly as happy as those who work with traditional advisors.  However, most respondents indicated that there are certain services that warrant human help. The … Continued

Where’s Waldo

On several occasions over my career providing wealth management counseling to clients, I have run across the phrase from new clients that, “My broker doesn’t charge me.”  I usually ask, “Do you work for free too?” The confusion comes in when one does not explicitly “write a check” for services, but instead, has fees that … Continued

The Vote

Voting in the Michigan primary today, I began to ponder how we got into the political mess we’re in. I am enamored of neither of the leading parties’ leading candidates.  It appears likely at this stage that one of them may end up being president, unless an indictment surfaces for one, or anger subsides and … Continued

Know and Believe Are Not Synonyms

In making investment decisions it is important to understand the difference between that which we know and what we believe.  They are not synonyms. According to, know is defined as, “to perceive or understand as fact or truth; to apprehend clearly and withcertainty.”  Believe is defined as, “to have confidence in the truth, the … Continued

Climate and the Great Lakes

Recent reports from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Army Corps of Engineers (the Corps) suggest that water levels in the Great Lakes are likely to stay at or above the long-term average over the next six months.  With the exception of Lake Ontario, lake levels are currently above the seasonal long-term … Continued

Happy New Year!

“Let us enter the New Year cheerfully.  Let us resolve to look on the bright side, to make the best of whatever may befall, to maintain faith that doing the right thing will ultimately bring victory.  Let us cultivate sunniness, resist sourness.  We can better wrestle with difficulties, obstacles, problems in a spirit of buoyancy … Continued


These three words, while all different, are all applicable to the near term outlook for the stock and bond markets.  It seems that the equity markets are being buffeted by more frequent and larger percentage changes than in recent memory.  Commodity prices have sustained large price changes with major declines in the price of oil … Continued

Government Economic Data?

Any attempt by investors to strategize based on government data should consider that virtually all announced monthly statistics are subject to almost endless revisions, some of which may be substantial.  It is also clear that the media will precede actual announcements with a seemingly endless and widely diverse array of projections, followed by a minute … Continued


Wikipedia defines scalability as the capability of a system, network or process to handle a growing amount of work, or its potential to be enlarged in order to accommodate that growth. This is an important concept for investors.  In a business setting, scalability defines a system whose performance improves after additional investment proportionally to the … Continued

To Bundle or Not to Bundle

The question of bundled or unbundled products or services is becoming an increasingly important issue across a wide range of industries. Bundling is buying a total package that includes a fairly substantial menu of services, compared to unbundled, in which you buy just the specific product or service that interests you.  In the world of … Continued