Wages and Revenues and Profits

The issue of a new minimum wage is back in the headlines with action contemplated in the Senate.  While much of the discourse is political, investors should recognize that businesses have different business strategies and that changes in wages are likely to be more material to some than to others. Differences in business models are … Continued

The World’s Policeman?

A recent Wall Street Journal review of a new book by Aiyaz Husain, “Mapping the End of Empire”, brings to mind the days of Britain’s role as the World’s Policeman.  “Pax Britannica” was a period of relative peace in Europe and the World (1815-1914), during which the British Empire became the global hegemon and adopted … Continued

Introducing Anthony (Tony) Basalla!

Sigma continues to experience regular growth in new clients and today we wish to introduce our new colleague, Tony Basalla.  Tony joined our Cleveland office on April 1st.  He has been serving clients as a portfolio manager for over 9 years and has the requisite experience and training to serve our new clients.  You can … Continued

Fear and Greed

In the investment community, short-term, sharp moves in the major stock averages are often attributed to rapid shifts in investor sentiment between fear and greed.  Fear of losing everything or underperforming versus the desire to always try to make a little more or not be left behind. This is probably as good an explanation as … Continued

Where Are The Jobs?

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal suggested that some of the relatively weak recovery in jobs can be attributed to low interest rates and their affect on corporate investment decisions.  While it is true that many companies are currently flush with cash and very low interest rates further encourage capital investment to increase … Continued

This Time it’s Different

There are few comments in the lexicon of investment advice that are more likely to cause investment professionals to roll their eyes and cringe.  However, just because most investment strategies have stood the test of time and the proponents of “this time it’s different” are usually proven to be wrong, does not mean that every move … Continued

Politics and Investing

We are probably all subject to becoming excessively overheated or dismayed at the antics of our elected officials.  Politics can lead to highly emotional reactions, and that’s probably OK, for the most part. Investing is a very different story.  Successful investing requires an analytical approach and an unemotional assessment of the potential investment’s value proposition. … Continued

Selling books can be a tough business.

Michael Lewis is famous for his books about the financial industry such as Liar’s Poker and The Big Short as well beautifully written stories like The Blind Side and Moneyball. He is an engaging person who has proven time and again he has great insights into human nature and the world of finance. This time … Continued

Hey, Check Out Our New Website – www.sigmainvestments.com

Yesterday we launched our new website.  Please take a look and tell us how you like it. Special thanks to Tamika Hall for spearheading this effort and to Chris Frayne and Marisa Lenhard for their countless hours devoted to content.  Finally, it is never ready until compliance weighs in – thank you Shari Bilkie! Bob Bilkie, … Continued