Monopoly Money

Apparently, some younger, would-be investors (speculators) have become increasingly enamored with, what they believe, are the easy money opportunities offered by Robinhood and others.  Some are using money provided under various unemployment programs.  While they may believe that they are investing, day trading and a casino atmosphere are not investing. It appears that many may … Continued

Investment Education

Recent events and media coverage surrounding the rise of Robinhood and Reddit suggest that many investors, particularly those recently attracted to stock market opportunities, may not only lack experience but also have a very limited understanding of the regulatory environment.  Individual and institutional investing activities are subject to a wide range of rules and regulations … Continued

Crowd Trading

Crowd trading is an extension of the concept behind crowd funding, which is the practice of funding a project or venture by raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.  In crowd trading, a large number of people are encouraged to take a small position in a single … Continued

Common Stock and Common Sense

The concept of investing has taken a beating with an increasing misuse of the word.  For example, some marketers of expensive items, like new cars, describe the purchase as an investment when it is clearly consumption.  Except in a few, very rare instances, automobiles depreciate. Investopedia defines investment as a way to set aside money … Continued