Retirement Planning

How and when to retire may be the most complicated financial decision that most of will have to face.  There are a number of variables, many of which require estimates that are subject to unexpected future events.  Perhaps the most difficult factors include, estimating your (and a partner’s) life expectancy, inflation and investment returns over … Continued

Maximizing Your 401(k)

There has been a great deal written about the retirement opportunities provided by an informed and intelligent approach to your 401(k).  However, given the importance of effectively managing your 401(k), a fresh look can’t hurt. A recent article in USA TODAY presented 7 useful steps towards making the most of your 401(k), as summarized below. … Continued

Should Retirement Be An Age or Financial Decision?

Historically, investors have tended to plan and save for retirement with a specific age in mind, often 65.  An age based strategy used to make sense as, in many cases, it was driven by the timing of pension benefits and the start of Medicare and full Social Security eligibility. Now that defined benefit pension plans … Continued

Living to 100

It is beginning to appear that life expectancy approaching 100 years may be a realistic premise.  This raises some key questions, of which perhaps the most important is, “can you afford to live to 100?” We are all probably familiar with the quote, “if I’d known I was going to live this long, I would … Continued