Everybody Has a Plan…

The full quotation, attributed to Mike Tyson is, “everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”  While Mr. Tyson was obviously talking about boxing, the same concept is probably equally relevant to investing.  A sudden and sharp correction in the stock market, can feel like kick in the stomach. Most investors start … Continued

Vegas versus Wall Street

In Las Vegas, on any given day, a gambler can strike it rich or lose it all.  However, over time, the house always wins. On Wall Street, on any given day, an equity investor can strike it rich or lose it all.  However, over time, stocks have proven to be a winning bet. This is … Continued

Measuring Change

In the financial markets, change tends to be measured in one of two ways, numerically, that is, the Dow Jones was up 100 points today, or, as a percentage, the Dow Jones was up approximately 0.5%.  While both methods of measurement say the same thing, under some circumstances they may not be immediately seen as … Continued