
Nearly everyone agrees that job growth is essential to economic progress.  Those who want something, from voters (votes) and/or government (tax breaks and other subsidies), tend to buttress their arguments with the promise of new jobs. Be careful, new jobs aren’t always “net” new jobs. Investors and taxpayers might want to take a closer look … Continued

“These Are The Times That Try Men’s Souls”

These words were the first line in the first of a series of pamphlets written by Thomas Payne, during the American Revolution, titled “The American Crisis”. Perhaps a small modification to, “these are the times that try investor’s souls,” might be timely. Investors, and everyone else, is being pummeled by a barrage of, seemingly never-ending, … Continued

Involuntary Part-time Work

The economy is continuing to add jobs and the U.S. April jobs report was generally positive.  On the plus side, the unemployment rate of 4.4% would suggest that the country is at, or near, full employment.  However, as noted previously, the labor force participation rate remains near record lows at 62.9%.  This is troubling, as … Continued