Dow 30,000

Peter Navarro, Assistant to the President, and Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, recently suggested that the Dow Jones Industrial Average could reach 30,000 in 2020. While there is nothing wrong with what is essentially a short prediction, investors should continue to work with their advisor(s) and stay focused on the long term.  Markets are … Continued

Dow One Million?

Warren Buffett, speaking at an event to mark the 100th anniversary of Forbes magazine, suggested that the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) would be “over 1 million” in 100 years. One million may look like a big number, and it is, but it only assumes a compound average annual return of approximately 4%.  Considering that … Continued

Dow 100,000

Unless the U.S. economy enters into an extended period of negative growth, Dow 100,000 is not a question of whether, but rather, when. The Dow Jones Industrial Average reached 100 in January 1906, 1,000 in November 1972 and 10,000 in March of 1999.  In mathematical terms, growth can be arithmetic, where gains are linear, or … Continued