
Investors have long sought to generate investment returns with a variety of objectives, including above average performance and/or consistency.  Over time, investors and their advisors have developed a range of strategies, initially with carefully selected individual securities.  Later, new options emerged through actively managed mutual funds, passively managed Index funds, ETFs, and, more recently, highly … Continued


No, this is not about diversifying your portfolio.  Hopefully, you and your advisor(s) have already developed a strategy that suits your circumstances. This is a suggestion that you consider diversifying your sources of information.  A sound investment strategy probably incorporates a measure of belief in the future based on an informed understanding of relevant facts. … Continued


Investors typically think of diversification in terms of fixed income versus equity and a suitable range of specific investments in each asset class.  However, employees of companies with publicly traded shares and robust pension and retirement programs, may not be fully recognizing the additional risks involved. A recent article in The Wall Street Journal, discussing … Continued