Bitcoin as a Currency?

Recent speculation relating to the possible acceptance of Bitcoin by Amazon led to another flurry of volatility for cryptocurrencies.  Investors might want to take a deep breath, step back, and consider if this makes sense, is even feasible, much less practical. Amazon has stated that the company has no immediate plan to accept Bitcoin for … Continued

Cash or Credit – Update

We have been discussing the movement away from cash and towards credit-only transactions through a series of blogs. Recently, the New York Post reported that Amazon is working on a payment system that will eliminate the need to hand over cash or a credit card.  You’ll just have to hand over your hand.  Amazon is … Continued

Killing the Golden Goose?

Seattle is proposing to levy a tax on local employers that make $20 million or more in taxable gross receipts.  Amazon has announced that it is pausing further construction planning of a building to be built in downtown Seattle and is reconsidering plans to occupy a building that is already built, potentially jeopardizing 7,000 new … Continued

Hey! Amazon! How About Michigan?

It is well known that Amazon is seeking a location for a new major investment.  Not so well known is the progress that Michigan has made since the Great Recession ended in 2009.  The recently released 2017 Michigan Economic Competiveness Study confirms that Michigan is making great progress at the state level. Consider: Michigan’s economy … Continued