Real Signs of Inflation?

A theme seems to be emerging as we monitor the release of information made by public companies’ earnings reports and shared forward looking guidance – the decision to increase prices on their products and services. A company’s decision to increase prices can be made based on current or anticipated increased costs of production. The time … Continued

“These Are The Times That Try Men’s Souls”

These words were the first line in the first of a series of pamphlets written by Thomas Payne, during the American Revolution, titled “The American Crisis”. Perhaps a small modification to, “these are the times that try investor’s souls,” might be timely. Investors, and everyone else, is being pummeled by a barrage of, seemingly never-ending, … Continued

A Goldilocks Economy

According to Wikipedia, a Goldilocks economy is one that is not too hot or too cold, in other words, sustains moderate economic growth, and has low inflation, which allows market-friendly monetary policy. Where are we now? Economic growth, during the last several years, as the economy recovered from the severe decline during the “great recession”, … Continued