American Ingenuity On Display

Maybe I should not be surprised at the speed and rate at which Americans have risen and mobilized to fight this war… but I am.  I am truly amazed.  If we saw it in a movie we would not believe it.  American spirit, ingenuity and business are now on display and it is nothing short … Continued

Business and Market Update – March 27, 2020

Upcoming data will indicate the sky is falling… We are starting to receive economic data reflecting the impact of COVID-19 on the US economy.  For example, unemployment claims for the week ending 3/20/20 were recently reported and came in at over 3.2 million.  Is the sky falling? It will be difficult to put into context … Continued

Corona Update

The stock market is going to react directly and proportionally to real time corona virus news. SARS and MERS were the precedents and warmer weather muted the virility of those viruses. Hence, it could be a few more weeks of volatility. All comments and or suggestions are welcome. Robert M. Bilkie, CFA

Feeling Sick?

Everyone is talking coronavirus, but I do not think you can discount the effect of the “Bernie Bug.”  Those two issues collided this weekend and left traders unnerved. I think in the short term, the volatility will take its course with some follow through and the direction will be tied to the latest news reports … Continued