Big Pharma: Saviors or Profiteers

This is clearly a very complex and controversial issue.  It is equally clear that big pharma, with considerable help from government, both financial and regulatory, has created an exceptional response to the dangers of Covid-19.  Development and distribution of the Covid-19 vaccines represent a constructive example of what can be achieved by public/private partnerships. The … Continued


“Tommy” is the title of an 1890 poem by Rudyard Kipling, written from the point of view of a soldier, and contrasts the treatment they receive from the general public during peace and during war.  Tommy is generic slang for a common British soldier and is roughly equivalent to the U.S.’s G.I. or G.I. Joe. … Continued

Is Big Pharma A Piñata?

Healthcare is, or more correctly, continues to be the topic of the day.  We are all, as patients, providers and/or tax payers, necessarily involved in the whole issue of how best to provide reasonable and universal access, on an affordable basis, to quality healthcare. Big pharma, and therefore, investors, are directly involved.  Media commentary likes … Continued