What You Need in Your Emergency Fund

An emergency fund is money set aside for unforeseen events such as sudden unemployment, short-term disability, a natural disaster or a major car repair.  Having an emergency fund is a vital part of everyone’s financial plan; without an emergency fund an unexpected medical bill could put you over the edge and force you to incur … Continued

The Basics of Investing – Getting Started

With the plethora of events impacting the investing world (Ebola, ISIS, market volatility, Ukraine and gasoline price collapses), it is easy to lose sight of the basics of investing.  And, while the basics tend to be less newsworthy, they are much more important for a successful outcome over the long term than the crisis du … Continued

Just Tell Me What The Rules Are

It is probably fair to say that the “rule of law” is one of the key pillars of our government and financial system.  Wikipedia defines the rule of law as “the legal principle that the law should govern a nation, as opposed to arbitrary decisions by individual government officials”. As investment advisors, we are well … Continued

Man vs. Machine

A recent article in the Wall Street Journal, “Robo Financial Advisers Can’t Coach”, discussed the evolution of robo-advisers and what they offer, and more importantly what they do not offer.  A robo-adviser is a new class of portfolio manager and financial planner that offers inexpensive management and planning services utilizing online tools. Many in our … Continued

You Can’t Eat Oil

For most of the period following World War II, political and investment decisions have been predicated on the assumption that oil reserves were limited and that shortages and price increases were the most likely long-term risk to an increasingly energy dependent society. Recent weakness in oil prices suggest that the expectation of shortages, particularly in … Continued

Ebola – The Investment Implications

Ebola seems to dominate the news flow of late, and understandably so.  Deadly viruses command attention, as does the risk of pandemics.  While not minimizing the significance of the familial, social and demographic implications of rapidly spreading viruses, our expertise and focus in this brief blog, is on the economic impact. In modern history, potential … Continued

Start Saving For Retirement

Changes in corporate pension plans, increasing risks associated with the certainty of public pension plan funding and questions about the long-term sustainability of social security payments suggest that Americans should step up their game and start saving for tomorrow, today. Precise estimates tend to vary, however, it is clear that Americans are not saving enough … Continued

Will China Back Down in Hong Kong?

Hong Kong, the former British colony of 7.2 million people, has seen over a million pro-democracy protesters take to the streets in the city’s central business district over the last week.  The protesters want a universal election, “one person, one vote”, and Beijing still holds firm ground against this proposal.  The root issue of the … Continued

“A Look Back – Just Sayin’.”

As you may have noticed, gas prices are down about $1 over the last several months.  The price in more than half the States is now below $3. Repost from November 5, 2013. Two Dollar Gasoline? Sigma Investment Counselors November 5, 2013 This is not a prediction but may be a plausible possibility. Consider: With … Continued

The Perils of Going Down Market

Investors would be well advised to carefully review any company strategy that proposes to increase demand by moving to capitalize on its brand name by introducing lower priced products.  High priced and universally admired brands tend to benefit from exclusivity.  Rolex watches and Jimmy Choo shoes are far more than time pieces or footwear. Any … Continued